
standardized answer: 根据2020年的新规定,信用卡逾期还款的利息计算方式和滞纳金收取标准有所调整,逾期还款的利息将采用日利率万分之五计收,并且会根据逾期天数增加利息计算基数,滞纳金则将根据逾期本金和未还最低还款额计算,并且有根据逾期时间进行逐月递增。

What are the specific changes in the 2020 credit card overdue regulations?

Before 2020, credit card overdue interest and late fees were calculated based on a fixed rate. But starting from 2020, the calculation method has changed. The interest will be calculated based on the daily interest rate of 0.05% of the outstanding balance, and the calculation basis may increase with the number of overdue days. As for late fees, they will be calculated based on the outstanding balance and the minimum payment not paid, and may increase month by month depending on the duration of the delay.

How will these changes affect credit card users?

These changes mean that credit card users who delay their payments will face higher interest and late fees. So it's important to pay your credit card bill on time to avoid these extra costs. If you think you might have trouble making your payment on time, it's a good idea to contact your credit card issuer in advance to discuss possible solutions, such as setting up a payment plan or adjusting your credit limit.

What should I do if I have already overdue credit card payments?

If you have already made overdue credit card payments, it's important to pay attention to your account and make sure you pay your bill on time from now on. If you're having trouble paying off your debt, consider seeking financial advice or assistance from a professional. And remember, the new regulations mean that the longer you delay your payment, the more it will cost you, so it's better to deal with your debt as soon as possible.

Why are these changes being made?

These changes are being made to encourage responsible borrowing and discourage late payments. By increasing the cost of overdue payments, credit card issuers hope to encourage users to pay their bills on time and avoid accruing unnecessary debt. Additionally, these changes will help credit card issuers more accurately reflect the cost of borrowing in their interest rates and late fees, making the borrowing process more transparent for consumers.

How can I stay informed about changes in credit card regulations?

To stay informed about changes in credit card regulations, it's important to keep an eye on your credit card issuer's website and read their communications carefully. You can also sign up for email alerts or follow your credit card issuer on social media to get the latest news and updates. And of course, you can always visit our website for the latest information on credit card regulations and other financial topics.


The 2020 credit card overdue regulations are designed to encourage responsible borrowing and make the cost of borrowing more transparent for consumers. By understanding these changes and making sure you pay your credit card bill on time, you can avoid unnecessary fees and keep your financial situation under control. If you have any questions or concerns about these changes or any other financial topic, feel free to leave a comment or visit our website for more information.

Remember, knowledge is power, so stay informed and keep your financial future bright!